
Prelude & Midnight blue are our primary colors. Together they exude boldness, and credibility. They are complemented by secondary colors and gradients that represent motion, and energy to create a feeling of excitement.

Sailor’s Delight


Outfit is a Google font that strikes a balance between familiarity and uniqueness. Its symmetry and roundness complements the logo's curvature.


暂定字体 仅供展示

Noto Sans for International

Graphic Style

Our graphic style is clean and professional. Key elements include: sleek and minimal illustrations, playful icons, and simple patterns.

icon styles

Simplified digital commerce solutions for a complex world.

white globe illustration
colourful bars graphic


Our photography style is clean, professional and authentic. We steer clear of stock style photography to project credibility. Images are well lit, and compliment our color palette.

People gardening

Brand Voice

Our tone is confident, knowledgeable, approachable, and infused with a touch of light-heartedness. We are not just leaders in the digital landscape, we are partners on this exciting journey.

We communicate in a language that's clear and concise.  Sure, we're smart, but we're also human. We speak to our audience in a language they can understand.

We strive to make the complex feel simple, empowering our clients with the technology and knowledge they need to succeed.

Our messages are always packed with value, emphasizing the remarkable results we deliver, with our commitment to innovation and our in-depth knowledge of the digital world.

Brand Voice

Nosso tom de voz é confiante, experiente, acessível e com um toque de descontração. Não somos apenas líderes no cenário digital, somos parceiros nessa jornada emocionante.

Nós nos comunicamos em uma linguagem clara e concisa. Certamente, somos inteligentes, mas também somos humanos. Falamos com nosso público em uma linguagem que eles possam entender.

Nos esforçamos para tornar o complexo simples, capacitando nossos clientes com a tecnologia e conhecimentos necessários para ter sucesso.

Nossas mensagens estão sempre repletas de valor, enfatizando os resultados notáveis que entregamos, com nosso compromisso com a inovação e nosso profundo conhecimento do mundo digital.




